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Never to regret on your actions~
Saturday, March 19, 2011, 11:23 PM

The fun and laughter were worth the pain gone through.
Wemt out to play pool with the lovelies~!
They are great and certainly made my day!
The fun we had can't ever be said out!
The way i show them the fish sign through out!
And screaming my way through!
The best was our laughs~ <3
Love you all many many for my great lovely day yo! <3>


Everything changes just in a blink of an eye~ ♥
Monday, January 3, 2011, 1:40 AM

Time is ticking~ Things are due~
School is starting like withing a day le la! =(
And all my homeworks are up!
But i haven't finish sial!
OMG! I'm gonna die mannn!
Kays i'm prepared to be beheaded for the first day of school.
BUT! My hair sure pass in school de kays!
Like a good girl only ley!
But god darn it i dread to see Ms Leow's face.
SIGH! I hope i will study hard man!
Yipes! I'm kinda bored like SERIOUSLY la!
And now happily spamming my love, cutegirl and babygirl de wall!


Learn to take the hardest challenge, ♥
Saturday, January 1, 2011, 3:15 PM

A Brand New Year~ Excitements ahead~ ♥
Went out yesterday with my lovely dearies~
Omg! My babylove and me keep kiss le eh now!
And later my love and the cutegirl finally arrive!
And good thing that they took rocket here!
And hanged out at kpool staring into spaces.
After that like finally then set off towards ECP~
Then four of us first went to 32 degrees to eat!
So yummy! ♥
After that Javier arrived with 49 balloons for babylove!
suppose to be 50 but 1 burst. LOL!
Then i mother came forward to ask where
they got the balloons then wanted 2.
But it's like wth we're not clowns leyy!
So i just told her it's tied together.
After that me and love when back to eat and left babylove outside:P
But later she came in with her 49 balloons and boyf.
And so everyone went staring at her :P
Then like went back to mac to find the rest.
Then Karen and Xinyao reached.
Then waited for sometime then head to the beach for
'PICNIC' which i didn't ate a single thing la!
Only drink the sparkling PINK drink!
But left earlier cause of my father. -.-
But also nothing much to do there.
So Javier and babylove sent me to the cab~
And gave babylove a goodbye kiss! ♥
Then head home.
The uncle good luh! drive soo fast and somemore discount!
Thanks UNCLE! (:
Then at home see fireworks. -.-
BUT like wth fireworks not like never see before. =/
And so bored and went on texting~
And slept~ Now i'm awake while people sleeping. =/
HAHAHA! And i'm so bored! ):
My love talking to me. HEHEH! ♥
While eating her fried rice. :D
(Babylove- Nicole Hew)
(Love- Seika)
(Cutegirl- Alicia)


You left me alone, all alone.
Monday, November 8, 2010, 2:27 PM

Broken promises love. m|/ Love me no more.
On the 23rd june 2010,
Our love chapter began.
I still remembered we were at wenwei's house.
You were in your purple long sleeve.
Then, wenwei and nicole quarrelled I helped nicole.
And you said that I didn't talk to you and you were bored.
That day you leaned on me I told you, you were fat and trying to push you.
Then when we had to go home, you and wenwei sent us down to take bus.
Wenwei and nicole were so sweet holding hands walking happily
and both of us walked at the back.
I could still remember you blasting songs into you ears.
And you wanted to step on wenwei's shoe but I pulled you back and was like don't.
Then after that I let go.
You gave me the sad face and stood there so I had to pull you and I pushed you in front.
Then you suddenly grab hold of my hand.
I was kinda shock but it's alright.
That moment you were listening to crush by david archuleta.
And wenwei first saw he turned and giggled.
After that nicole saw too and their reaction was you saw?
Then they was like ya.
Then they jumped up. And it made me so shy.
After that shengwei was at the bus stop I wanted to let go so he won't see.
But instead you grab even tight.
And when I board the bus you asked me so hold hands le how?
Then I replied: I don't know.
Then you said will be straight forward and asked me to be your girlf.
I was thinking through whether to accept or not.
Cause I wasn't prepared for the next romance.
And I told nicole and myself.
I'm not worthy for you, i'm good at nothing.
But in the end I decided to accept.

Then, we started to hang out.
24 june 2010,
We went out to east coast.
That was when you first cuddle me.
But when we left, your mood changed.
But I had no idea what took place.
And you left me all alone.
Then we text at night,
You asked if I was feeling sad,
But I keep quite.
Then you said you were afraid that everything will fall apart that night.
But we still moved on.
And quarrels after quarrels came one after another like a chain.
We almost felled out a couple of times. But we went through them.
And now...
Everything we gave we had we loved and I lost.
Now I'm left all alone to fight this battle and walk this path.
Our promises were broken just like the heart. Everything came to an end.
And I guessed I lost this battle.
I can't pursue this love we once had anymore.
But I know I could wish you all the best in your life
and hope that you can find someone who is so much better than me by tons.
Cause you no longer need me anymore.
So it's time I should learn not to disturb you anymore.
And you can live much nope peacefully and happily.
God bless take care.


♥~ Grow old with me, the best is yet to arrive. ~♥
Saturday, October 23, 2010, 10:36 PM

Two souls but with a single thought. Two heart that beats as one. Two person you and me.
Woke up early in the morning but went back
into my lalaland as usual :P
So i'm like half awake half asleep la!
Then texting and texting till i step into my lalaland. :P
Then my phone vibration woke me up.
Guess who?? Sheryl called me asking if i'm going for chingay
and guess she heard my stupid voice then after that say kaykays go back sleep LOL.
And next, Ines called. I was like "huh? :O" then ask Sheryl not with you meh?
HAHAA~ Then so in the end i said nope i'm confirm not going. =x
Then so after that met NicoleHewHew.
Then off we head down~
HEHEE~ Put on earpiece and in our music world.
Then after SOME time we reached.
So we went separate ways. And so byee~
Then i went to take bus and head to look for babyyboy.
Reached and see him limp :P
HEHEE~ See la told you le la don't play basketball
play also got tell you becareful!
HAHAA~ Kays la! Love you~ <3
Happy Fourth monthsary~! ♥
I love die you alot alot la~
Promise me babyy, m/
Never to desert me no matter what happen.
I love you and always do.
Take me to a faraway land,
where no one knows us where no one could bother us.
But never mind. All this doesn't really matters.
Cause i know that we can overcome anything~ ♥
I just simply love die you babyyboy~ ♥
So today spend my whole day with you ley~
So great la!
But it's a sleep through la! :P
HAHAHAA! And actually hor i also got sleep dao la!
Cause i'm way too bored to stay awake le :P
HEEHEE! It just feels so great to be
cuddled in your warm arms and fall asleep.
It feels so warming and loving~ ♥
Then i woke up and text Hew Hew ! :P
And found out that lao pa also sleeping like a log :P
Then HewHew sneak down to buy bubble tea! LOL
So hilarious man! And i played babyy's iphone :P
HOHO~ Till he wake up then change room. LOL
Then i get to use his lappy~
MWAHAHHAA~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
And i headed home with Nicole. And of course my precious CHIPS! (CALBEE)
Then we chatted and listen to music along our bus ride.
Then we chat and chat and laughed joyfully~
HAHA! She told me say cause i pigg~
Then i say no lor! Pig doesn't looks like this!
Then i said, "Piggs looks like this!" (pointing at her)
HAHAAA!! :D Then she say no lor.
She is a cow. And i said you cow?!
Which part of you looks like a cow sia!
Then she do horn for me see. LOL
I was like horn?! You also don't have la!
Then i disturb her! HAHAAA!!
Say you cow got eat grass mah? :P
You cow got produce milk meh?
Your horns are missing la!
HAHAA! And so we laughedddd~
Kays gonna go off from blogging~
And end this post with a few lovely words~! ♥
Babyyboy i love you~ ♥


♥~ I don't know what the future brings. But I know you are here with me now. We’ll make it through.And I know you are the one i share my life with. ~♥
Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 10:02 PM

Love is an attempt to enter your dreamland and it turns into reality. ♥
Make me yours forever and never let me go.
Take me away in your arms and cuddle me.
Love me eternally like i do.
Babyyboy~ ♥
I miss you so so so much!
And yeah! I can see you tomorrow.
I am over the moon~
Muackmuacks! ♥
Kays la! I'm like spamming my own blogg~
Shall end my post and post again next time!
See ya my dear lovely readers.
Love die you kays babyyboy~♥
Thursday oh please let me promote!!
Kays bye~~ ♥


♥~ When my eyes met your eyes, it went right through and shot my heart. Now, you are loved by me. ~♥
, 9:40 PM

Take me away with you. Don't leave me alone here.
Let me tell you i love you alot alot kays! <3
I'm so so so happyy!
I got the chance to see my babyyboy tomorrow!
Jealous people? :P
Kays i'm just insane!
HEHEE~ I online for so so so loong today eh!
And hence i got nothing better to do so blog again lor. :P
Teeheehee~ Love it when
i got no control over my time usage of computer!
MWAHAHA~ Don't be jealous kays!
OMG! I've really gone crazy and
went gaga all over.
I'm so in love with you babyyboy!
Never say to leave me ever again!
Cause i love you so much.
But i'm scared i will not hold you back ):
Cause to me i hope the word FREEDOM is for everyone.
Cause i want to have it from my
parents and anyone elses.
Hence i myself should do it right? ;D
But don't worry la kays!
I know i will still hold you back ONCE and then it's your choice le.
After all this crappings!
Actually i don't have the need to worry so much either right!
Cause you said you won't say to leave me already!
HEHEEE~!! I love die you la!!
LOVE YOU! Muacksmuacks! :*
